Saturday, August 31, 2013

Simplest plum cake

Simplest plum cake

I was down yesterday. Simply, humanly down. The world was all wrong, people bad, everything distorted. With the last spark of common sense I remembered the words of the Working Woman from "The 40year-old Guy" ( Polish cult film), that the best thing for troubles is plum cake. Naturally, in my state I was not up to making a yeast dough, so u took the easiest way out. Perhaps it was not as great as the yeast one, but after the first bite- it helped!
PS. And today, when the sun shines, it is a perfect combination!:-)

"Plum cake"

- 225 g flour
- 3 tsp baking powder
- 140 g sugar
- 90 g soft butter
- 1/2 glass of milk
- 1 egg
- canelle and sugar to sprinkle
- halved plums, with stones removed

Blend butter and sugar in the mixer, add the flour, baking powder, butter, milk, and the egg. 
Butter the tin well, pour in the dough. Smooth and decorate with plums skin  down. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 40 minutes in 180 C. You may sprinkle with almonds towards the end of baking. 

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